Independent Taxonomy Work

Are you an aspiring taxonomist looking for work?  Because taxonomies tend to be project-based tasks, a lot of taxonomy work is freelance, contract, or consulting. I have written on this topic  in my book, but that was over four years ago, and I have seen or experienced many taxonomy jobs…

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Taxonomy Management Consulting

I recently wrote an article on taxonomy management for the online magazine FreePint. By “taxonomy management” I mean taxonomy maintenance, governance, and long-term planning.  I’m not going to repeat that article here, because you can look it up. The short version is available without a subscription: “The Care and Feeding…

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The Remote Taxonomist

One of the characteristics of taxonomy work is that taxonomists can work remotely from their managers, colleagues, or clients, and many do. It’s not because those attracted to taxonomy work specifically want to work from home. Rather, taxonomy work is a narrow specialty, in which relatively few people are sufficiently…

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Mentoring Taxonomist Program

In my last blog post, I discussed the need for mentoring taxonomists and mentioned that I had volunteered to lead the new mentoring committee of the Taxonomy Division of SLA (Special Libraries Association) and establish its mentoring program ( While some of the mentoring activities are available to members only,…

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