Taxonomies and Ontologies as Semantic Models

In describing what taxonomies and ontologies are and what they can do, we are hearing the word “semantics” more often. “Semantics” means “meaning,” which is nothing new, and taxonomies and ontologies are not new. What is new is that taxonomies and ontologies are now combined more, and we need a…

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Knowledge Engineering and Taxonomies

My latest conference workshop (at SEMANTiCS September 7) on taxonomies and ontologies had in its title “knowledge engineering.” I figured this may resonate more with the audience of computer scientists, data scientists, and Semantic technology and AI experts. People come (often accidentally) to the field of designing taxonomies, ontologies, and…

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Differing Definitions of Ontologies

In my last blog post I discussed the different definitions and features of thesauri. Now, I will turn to the next kind of knowledge organization system in the spectrum of complexity: ontologies. Actually, to consider an ontology as a more (or most) complex type of controlled vocabulary or knowledge organization…

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